Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 99 – Brotherhood of the Awakened

Verse - Brotherhood of the Awakened

The disciples said to him, "Your brothers and your mother are standing outside." He said to them, "These who do the will of my Father are my brothers and my mother. They are the ones who will enter the kingdom of my Father."


This saying not only underlines - exoterically - that spiritual ties of kinship are superior to physical ones, but also - esoterically - that the knowledge of being a child of God makes the awakened ones internally united in the highest cosmic sense, or more correctly, makes them aware of this eternal truth of inner oneness again. The Indian mystic means the same experience of supreme oneness when he says: Tat twam asi! That is you!

This inner brotherhood and unity abolishes human ties because it is superior to all external ties and is based on the kingdom of God. In the fact that Christ is present in each of us and that through him and like him we are one with the Father. This unity of the spark of light in us with the divine primordial light is in truth without beginning and end; it existed before the world was created, even if we became unaware of it and have to become aware of it again. Christ makes us aware of this in another word, which has been handed down to us as a Gospel quote from Ephraem the Syrian:

I chose you before the world was created.

As soon as the beings descend from the realms of the spirit into the world of matter, the Godhead sends the spark of Christ into every soul, which points them towards the light on their worldly journey and opens the gate of life for them at the moment in which they, seeing through the deception of the world and looking inward, become aware of His inner presence, recognize Him as their own innermost being and self, become disintegrated in becoming one with Him and in Him rise with Him to eternal life.