Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 97 – Exhortation to Wisdom

Verse - Exhortation to Wisdom

Jesus: "The Kingdom of the Father is like a woman carrying a jar full of food. As she was walking down a long road, the handle of the jar broke a little and the food spilled on the road. She didn't notice it and so she had no problem. When she got home, she put the jar down and realized that it was empty."


This is a warning to those who are still on the first steps of the path to the light and whose first task is not to lose the truths they have sensed or recognized on their further journey through the world, but to 'take them home', to make them their own and to put them into practice in daily life in a way that brings blessings to themselves and others through active love.

On the other hand, it is not the task of those who are on these steps to indiscriminately bring the truths that they have heard and recognized as correct to others, since they lack both the insight into whether and to what extent their hearts are receptive and open to the light of truth, and the power of conviction that only awakens when the spirit of truth flares up in them and guides their thoughts, desires and actions.

Anyone who, touched and inspired by the dawn or the first rays of truth, pours out his heart before the time and even wants to convert others, runs the risk of "the handle of the pot breaking and the flour falling behind him on the path without his noticing" and thus being of no use to himself or to those he wanted to convince and win over.