Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 96 – Leaven of Truth

Verse - Leaven of Truth

Jesus: "The Father's kingdom is like a woman who takes some leaven, hides it in dough and makes large loaves of bread. Anyone here who has two ears should listen better."


These words are intended to make clear how the luminous thoughts of divine wisdom, when they are placed at the right time and in the right way in hearts that are open to them - like leaven in bread dough - illuminate people from within and transform them from the ground up, so that they find self-realization and in turn become great loaves of bread: sources of nourishment, strength and life for others too.

At the same time, we are being instructed to do something else: following Christ's warning, we should "beware of the leaven of the Pharisees": the external beliefs of the unawakened that cling to the letter and are not filled and guided by the spirit of truth. And we should, without dealing with them, help those seeking truth to turn inward by communicating the light thoughts of divine wisdom, so that they can find all the certainty and truth they long for in their own luminous inner being and in turn become capable of kindling the light of truth in other souls.

This warning is emphasized again in the next verse.