Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 94 – Certainty of Achieving Goals

Verse - Certainty of Achieving Goals

Jesus: “He who seeks will find, and to him who knocks on the inner part of the door the door will be opened.”


Christ's words: "It has been given to you to fathom the mysteries of the kingdom of God" are a call and a promise to all of us. For the kingdom is in all of us and is waiting for us precisely where we are all one: in the center of our being, where the soul's foundation and God's foundation are one foundation.

What is necessary to get there is constant renewed reflection within ourselves. The deeper we dive into the stillness and silence in the primal depths of our being, the closer we come to the hour of Christ's resurrection within us. The path to this is the same length for everyone - and yet different for everyone.

Many obstacles stand in the way of those who move inward; but the achievement of the goal, self-realization, is certain for everyone! No failure, no relapse into mistakes thought to have been overcome, need discourage him; for the divine core of his being is a guarantee that he will reach his home, completeness, despite all his wanderings. This is all the more true the more willingly we remember the admonition of the Lord's Word that every question has its hour and every answer too: it presupposes our constant inner alertness.

Only in this way can we avoid the mistake of the unwise who, in the hour when the inner voice wants to answer them, neither ask nor listen inwardly and therefore do not hear or perceive the answer to their question or prayer - and then doubt and despair in the very hour in which they could have found comfort and certainty. It was not the inner Word, the divine help, that was to blame, but the lack of willingness to be seized by the wisdom of inner guidance and to grasp the help from within. Hence Jesus' admonition to seek unceasingly until we have found, and the promise that we will find.