Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 93 – Giving with Wisdom

Verse - Giving with Wisdom

Jesus said, "Do not give what is holy to dogs, lest they throw it on the dung heap. Do not throw pearls before swine, lest they tread on them."


The secret words of Jesus, recorded by Thomas and addressed to the inner circle of the awakened and those in the process of awakening, should not be imparted indiscriminately to the unawakened, those still in the sleep of the soul, because in their lack of knowledge they would not be able to make proper use of them, but would consider the pearls of divine wisdom to be worthless stones, throw them on the path and trample them underfoot.

This warning is still valid today - but with one restriction: the number of those in the process of awakening, in whom the divine spark glows more brightly and wants to glow through and break through the dross of ego and earth-boundness, is larger than ever before in today's transitional period to a new aeon and is constantly increasing. Therefore, it is possible today to give with wisdom, that is to say, to impart at least the most obvious esoteric meanings of the Lord's secret words to those who want to awaken as an aid on the path inward, to self-realization, as is done here.

The deeper truths reveal themselves to them as they continue unswervingly on the path of gradual self-initiation - from their divine self, which takes over the guidance and reveals to them all the wisdom that is appropriate to their respective stage of awakening and maturity. This blissful assurance is also given to the seeker of truth in the next verse.