Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 88 – The Second Illumination

Verse - The Second Illumination

Jesus said, "The messengers and prophets will come to you, and they will give you what is yours. And you will give in exchange what is in your hands, and say to yourselves, 'When will they come and take what is theirs?'"


Whoever gives the highest thing he has - himself - with every gift receives the same from the Spirit of Life. He allows him to find awareness and realization of his divine self through his messenger - and that can be a wise man, a child or an animal, an angel, a prophet or another unexpected encounter that tears apart the last veils of ignorance. Completely awakened to himself and at one with himself, he lives from the spirit - and that means from the fullness of the Godhead.

He is like Jesus when he fed the people. He turned inward and the angels gave him what he passed on in such abundance that after everyone was satisfied, there was still plenty left over. If a person gives up everything for my sake, he will reap eternal life at the second enlightenment. That is, because he is empty of things, he will be full of God and will no longer be merely enlightened, as he was after the first self-initiations, but will himself become a shining one, a bearer of the light of Christ.