Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 86 – The Inner Homeland

Verse - The Inner Homeland

Jesus said, “Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his body and rest.”


This saying is Jesus' answer to the scribe's explanation that he wanted to follow him wherever he was going. Jesus wants to make those willing to follow aware that their place of rest, their dwelling place, is not in the external world like that of animals and people who are not yet awake, but in the inner world, in the kingdom of God.

He means to those willing to follow that they must turn inwards and seek and find the home of the spirit, the kingdom of light, within themselves if they want to follow him where he is going and has his home. It is the answer that every perfected person, every awakened person, every mystic gives when asked about the way to the light or when offered their following:

Turn inwards, return to yourself; for when you awaken to yourself, your luminous self, you find yourself at home, you recognize yourself as a child of light and as an heir to the kingdom of God.