Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 85 – Certainty of Oneness

Verse - Certainty of Oneness

Jesus said, "Adam came from great power and great riches, but he was not worthy of you. For if he had been worthy, he would not have tasted death."


If man and God stand together like an image and an archetype, then they are not separate. For one is in the other. The spirit of man, his luminous self, is in God, born from him and sheltered in him, just as the spirit of God is active in man. But only a few are aware of what the above word means to us. In his origin, when he emerged from God, man was a spirit endowed with great power and many abilities and as such was still one in himself, inside and outside, male and female in one. With the immersion in matter and the increasing material covering of the creative spirit, the desire for self-revelation and creative development grew, as did the desire for free self-determination on the outside too.

This marked the beginning of the separation of inside and outside and the bipolar division into man and woman, which at the same time gave rise to the insatiable longing for the original unity that remains unattainable in the external connection.

For this is temporary, like the physical clothing of the still imperishable and sexless spirit, which now, as a result of this self-binding to the transitory physical world, tastes death - again and again - until, in the course of its journey through the worlds, progressively awakening to itself again, it becomes aware of its innate spiritual power and its wealth of creative abilities as well as its inalienable divine childship, inner light and deathlessness, gradually begins to realize the kingdom of God in the realm of the senses and thus - in the end - proves itself worthy of its archetype again.