Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 83 – Image and Archetype

Verse - Image and Archetype

Jesus said, "The images are manifest to men, but the light that is in them is hidden in the image of the Father's light. He will reveal himself, but his image is hidden by his light."


When man becomes aware of his being in God's image, the images - the external forms of existence that until then appeared to him as reality - become mere shadows that can no longer prevent him from recognizing the light that gave these shadows their fleeting existence and from becoming aware of their origin from the light. In this awakening to the higher reality of the inner world of light, self-knowledge expands to knowledge of God. He sees Christ, the divine light that has always glowed in him and now, revealing itself, flares up in his heart as a ray from the primordial light of the Father.

At the beginning of this gradual awakening of God himself, the primordial image is still hidden by its light - the light of the image of God, whose radiance is so radiant that when it rises, only the fullness of light is perceived as such and reflected back. But in this reflection and devotion to the inner light, the primordial light becomes apparent - and the divine self, the image of God, blissfully recognizes:

I and the Father are one!

In meditative self-reflection, the one who has turned inwards, expanded inwards, dedicated to the highest, steps out of the twilight of the external image - the external human being - into the light of the inner image and finally unites with the primordial image, the all-heart of God, awakening to the highest certainty of the I am you, as the wisdom of the East calls this oneness of knower, known and knowledge of all re-ligio.