Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 78 – The Inner Word

Verse - The Inner Word

Jesus said, "Why have you come out into the country? To see a reed shaken by the wind? And to see a man dressed in soft garments, like your kings and your rulers? They wear soft garments and they cannot understand the truth."


This word is also a call to reflection, addressed to those who are still awakening: Do you know why you came into existence and what your task is on the battlefield of life? Is it to enjoy the game of the world and to be content with it? Or to fall into the deception of external existence and, like the unawakened, worship that which appears great because it comes with a lot of noise, in splendid masks and elegant garments?

They cite the Holy Scriptures, but are neither observers nor keepers of the truth that is hidden in them. Another esoteric word from the Lord is addressed to them: You are mistaken because you do not perceive the truth of the Scriptures. Therefore you do not know the truth, the power of God. Why do you not recognize the good reason of the Scriptures? As long as someone does not perceive the truth of the Scriptures, he remains a person who is enveloped in the sleep of the world and easily becomes a follower of other people's opinions.

He is unable to distinguish the divine wisdom, which comes from all of humanity's holy scriptures for good reason, namely directly from the soul, from the pseudo-knowledge of spiritual counterfeiters, sectarians and pseudo-saints. He errs whenever he falls for the complacency of words instead of testing them for their truth, and he remains, a half-awakened person, stuck in half-truths that become his undoing as long as he lacks the touchstone: the inner word, the clarity from the power of God.