Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 75 – The New Spirit

Verse - The New Spirit

Jesus said, “There are many standing at the door, but those who come alone will be able to enter the bridal chamber.”


Those who are still standing at the door are those who are turned towards the world, those who are not yet awakened, who, despite all their efforts, often do not take a single step towards the gate of perfection and self-realization in their entire lives. The few who are awakening, on the other hand, turn inwards, find solitude with themselves and with God, and progress further towards oneness. They are the ones who experience the mystical wedding: the becoming one of the soul with its bridegroom, Christ, the divine light, which ends in the unio mystica, the oneness with the Father.

The lonely are the quiet ones in the land, those touched and filled by the New Spirit, those who live from the spirit, the mystics who have understood the innermost meaning of Christianity: the path to becoming one with Christ within. They are called blessed because they find their way home to the Kingdom of God, from which they once descended, at the beginning of all becoming. They are filled with that new, life-giving spirit that the wise men and prophets of the Old Testament were already filled with and proclaimed from David: Create in me, O God, a heart of light and give me a new spirit.

This new spirit is now entering humanity. The children of Aquarius, those born again of water and spirit, will carry it out into the world and fill more and more people with this new spirit of inner unity and immediacy with God, thus opening up the possibility for them to no longer stand at the door, but to pass through the gate to perfection.