Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 74 – The Water of Life

Verse - The Water of Life

He said, "Kind Lord, there are many standing around the well, but there is nothing in the well."


Many know about the well from which the water of life springs, stand and walk around it and talk about it, but few descend into the depths and draw from it, and only a few bring the delicious drink to light in the spirit of joyful giving, so that the thirst for light and life of others may also be quenched.

Many of us have the Holy Scriptures and the words of the awakened as a source of wisdom in our treasure trove of books; but they draw their daily spiritual nourishment from the pages and books that belong to the day and pass away with it. Yet a drop, drawn with a grateful, open heart from the well of divine wisdom, can change their lives from the ground up and awaken the seed of a new humanity in them.

But even more important is the further realization that in truth everyone carries the fountain of God's wisdom within themselves, in the deepest depths of their soul, and that they only have to learn and get used to turning inward again and again, to hear Christ's voice within themselves in listening silence and to follow the inner word that makes the words of the Holy Scriptures alive and fruitful. Not only for themselves, but for all beings around them and for whom they are called and called to be a role model, guide and helper.