Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 73 – Right Realization

Verse - Right Realization

Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray to the Lord to send laborers into the harvest.”


With these and the following sayings, Christ continues to point out the essentials, which have so far only been recognized and realized by a few. The unquenchable longing for something higher and more perfect is indeed burning secretly in all hearts; but those who can make the hidden spark flare up so that it becomes clear and enlightened from within and is properly realized are few. The same words are repeated by Matthew and, in a different context, by Luke:

firstly, with regard to the majority of people who lack inner guidance and thus clarity of purpose, who "are pining away and scattered like sheep without a shepherd";

secondly, when sending out the disciples whom Jesus had chosen and appointed to spread the news of the Kingdom of God to all lands and to give courage, confidence and strength to tired and helpless people.

Christ's word is a call to us to make what we have recognized as essential and helpful, now, in the time of harvest, of open hearts, aware of all truth seekers to the best of our ability in word, writing and deed, so that the still dark earth becomes lighter and more and more people become aware of inner support, inner guidance, inner comforter, helper and redeemer and find the highest realization, self-realization, the recognition of their true greatness, purpose and power as children of God, the fulfillment of their lives and the realization of the Kingdom of God both within and without - in the context of their daily lives.