Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 67 – All-Immediacy

Verse - All-Immediacy

Jesus said, “He who knows all things and yet fails to see himself, fails to see all things.”


Anyone who recognizes the wondrous structure of the cosmos and takes the step from the earth into space, but lacks the prerequisites of true universal knowledge, self-realization and cosmic consciousness, remains unable to achieve true universal and God-immediacy. One may rush through the entire universe and yet not come one step closer to God. And another stands still and turns inward, to the inner universe, and in an instant goes from self-awakening to universal immediacy. Self-knowledge is, as many words of the Gospel of Thomas show, of one essence with Christ-knowledge.

Anyone who awakens to Christ in him knows about the fullness of the Godhead and has expanded his ego and self-consciousness to cosmic consciousness. In him the beginning and end of the cosmos in space and time come together to form eternal life, spaceless and timeless oneness. He is in the universe and the universe is in him. Cosmos, man and deity have become a living triad in which man recognizes himself as a mediator between the natural world and the spirit as deity.