Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 66 – The Cornerstone

Verse - The Cornerstone

Jesus said, “Show me the stone that the builders refused to take: that is the cornerstone.”


It says that the Pharisees and scribes, who consider themselves the only ones called to build the house and kingdom of God, rejected the stone that they saw as a stumbling block and a source of offense, but that this living stone was chosen by God and designated as the cornerstone of the house of God.

For those who are awakening, the word is, as Paul suggests in his letter to the Ephesians, a reference to the inner support and cornerstone, Christ, through whom the foundation of the soul is firmly and irrevocably embedded in the foundation of God and on whom the entire structure (of the human being, from the outer to the inner to the innermost man) grows into a holy temple of the Lord. Into a dwelling place of God in the spirit. Blessed is he who knows the determining cornerstone, the living Christ, within himself!