Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 62 – Secrets are Reprimands

Vers - Secrets are Reprimands

Jesus said, "I reveal my secrets only to those who are worthy of my mysteries. Therefore, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."


Those who are awakening are worthy. Revealing them to others who are still sleeping is fruitless, as they have ears to hear, but in their dreamlike state they understand nothing. The awakened, on the other hand, immediately grasp what the Perfected One reveals to them. When Thomas speaks of "secret words of Christ", this does not mean that these words should be withheld from outsiders, but simply that they are only understood as light-filled reprimands for those who are internally awake and receptive to them. The number of these is greater today than ever. And it will continue to grow, the more people turn inward in silence with the request to the inner helper:

Open my eyes so that I can see! Open my ears so that I can hear and hear the word of life! Enlighten me so that I can become aware of the truth in everything! Make me capable of consciously following the wisdom of the inner guidance!

It is fruitless to proclaim these words to those who are still asleep, who either do not hear them or, if they do hear them, do not understand and follow them. Divine wisdom is like alms, which are given not publicly but in silence to those in need and who are worthy of it, as the second sentence of this saying reminds us:

What your right hand does, your left hand shall not know what it is doing.