Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 61 – Being Ready is Everything

Verse - Being Ready is Everything

Jesus said, "Two will rest on one bed, one will die and the other will live." Salome said, "Who are you, my Lord? You climbed onto my bed and ate at my table as if you had been sent by someone." Jesus said to her, "I am the chosen one who comes from the whole. I have received permission from my Father." Salome said, "I am your disciple." Jesus said to her, "For this reason I tell you that if someone is whole, he will be filled with light, but if someone is divided, he will be full of darkness."


Anyone who is found to be awake and ready inwardly will overcome death and live. But anyone who is still caught up in the world's sleep and is unreceptive to the light remains caught in ignorance and subject to decay. Jesus helps us to awaken and become aware of what is essential by pointing out his origins from that light, whose children are all people who become aware of their divine heritage.