Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 6 – Right Attitude

Verse - Right Attitude

His disciples asked him, saying to him, "Do you want us to fast? How should we pray? Should we give alms? What diet should we keep?" Jesus said, "Do not lie and do not do what you hate, for everything is revealed in the face of heaven; for there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing covered that will not be revealed."


Some believe, as Jesus' disciples did at times, that inner growth requires a certain way of life and diet, fasting, self-castigation and certain ways of praying. But those who live by the spirit do not need these external things and rules.

Don't Misunderstand My Words

What is important is not what you do, but why you do it, how you feel about it, where you look; outward or inward. Your questions are therefore wrongly posed. It is not about your physical behavior, but about the spiritual attitude that makes your actions or inactions meaningful. So check whether what you want to do corresponds to your inner being and serves your spiritual growth. Be honest with yourself. Do not do anything that is not worthy of your divine self, that directs your gaze to earthly things instead of to the kingdom of God.

And do not forget in your actions that God looks into your heart. Do not fast for my sake. Or do I need you to torment your souls? When it comes to healing the body, external fasting is healing. But living from the spirit means inner fasting. Being free and free from what belongs to the world and does not serve the inner light.

It is important to overcome worldliness without escaping the world in order to participate in the Kingdom of God here and now.