Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 59 – Here and Now

Verse - Here and Now

Jesus said, "Seek the living wholeness while you live, lest you die and then have to seek the Elect One who has come to life, in order to recognize him and then not be able to recognize him."


Here and now we should seek and find Christ, the living light, within us and remain aware of him as our eternal inner support during our lifetime and in the future! For what we have not found on earth, in the midst of everyday life, in turning inwards, we will search in vain beyond the gate of death. But if we are certain of his presence within us as long as we live, he will also guide us through the spiritual worlds and ensure that our path leads us ever higher. We can then affirm with inner certainty what is expressed in another scripture as the confession of the awakened:

I have recognized myself and gathered myself from the outside world inwards. I have not sown children in the outside world, but have destroyed the roots. I have gathered my limbs and senses that were scattered, and I know who you are!

This is what someone says, who has freed himself from external people and thus from the bondage of the senses, suffering and karma, and has come to the center of his inner person and found his inner support in Christ, the divine self. In this way, the divided, Janus-faced person has become one again - one with himself and one with God. For "he who sees me sees the Father" and can confess, with Christ:

I and the Father are one.