Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 54 – Promise of Abundance

Verse - Promise of Abundance

Jesus said: “Praise the poor, for they (also) belong to the kingdom of heaven.”


Becoming aware of our divine wealth is the goal and fulfillment of all self-reflection and self-knowledge. Just as wealth is of no use to those who know nothing about it, the divine inheritance, which is ours by virtue of our being children of God, is worthless and fruitless for us as long as we do not recognize it and take possession of it.


In order to recognize it, we must first recognize ourselves. Until that has happened, we wrongly call ourselves Christians. For we are only Christians when, having recognized ourselves, we know that, like Jesus, we are children of the Eternal, heirs and owners of the fullness of the Kingdom of God, which is greater than everything the world possesses and can give. Anyone who has awakened to this recognizes, along with their own childship of God, all living beings, people and animals, as their brothers.

And by affirming and loving his neighbor as his other self, he brings the law of giving and receiving into action, triggers the fullness of the Kingdom of God and at the same time becomes a shining example and guide for more and more fellow creatures. This fundamental promise is further deepened in the following sayings.