Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 49 – The United

Verse - The United

Jesus said, "Praise those who are alone and chosen (whole), for they will find the Kingdom. For from it you came, and to it you will return."


When the soul sparks emerged from the original being into selfhood and existence at the dawn of all becoming, they unfolded with the growing universe from unity into duality and multiplicity. From then on, this duality runs through their being. As a duality of inner and outer man, of the imperishable and the perishable, as well as of male and female - the latter in turn divided into being and appearance.

But everything that has become feels its loneliness from division and longs for and searches for the lost unity. Those who look deeper recognize even more. The lonelier, the closer to oneness and universal commonality. The Gospel of Thomas sees the lonely of today as the united of tomorrow. When the lonely have reached the point of maturity, those who turn inward become chosen and initiated, those who are dedicated to the One, who rise in silent solitude to the level of solitude and, having returned home, recognize themselves as citizens of eternity, of the Kingdom of God.

The Lord's Word

The Lord's Word refers to those who take the path of meditative self-reflection, which ultimately leads beyond the self to the All-Self. To the heart of God, to which all living things long to return because they know that they come from Him. The seeker of truth is alone when he turns inward, sees through the conflict of his being and devotes himself completely to the One - the great One; Christ in him.

In this devotion he becomes one with Christ, through him with God and with the Kingdom of God. By the word 'kingdom' or 'kingdom of God' Jesus did not mean a divine rule on earth that would begin at some point in the future, as was expected and proclaimed by Christian sects here and there as more or less imminent, but the eternal kingdom of light of God that has been the basis of the world of appearances from the very beginning, to which every being belongs as a citizen through his innermost self and to which he must awaken on the way inward.