Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 46 – On the Way to Oneness

Verse - On the Way to Oneness

Jesus said, "From Adam to John the Baptist, among those born of women there was no one greater than John the Baptist, for his eyes were not averted. But I said that he who becomes a child among you will know the kingdom and will be greater than John."


This expression is also found in Matthew and similarly in Luke, namely in response to John's question as to whether he is the proclaimed Messiah: 'So that his eyes do not fail', so that he can go from being half awake to being fully awake and his eyes can see, he calls John the greatest among those born of women, but at the same time expresses that enlightenment is not yet the highest. Higher and greater than that is becoming one with God and the kingdom of light of God. The least of all who attains such becoming one is greater than John and the enlightened of all times, for he has found his way home to the kingdom of God.

Christ calls himself the key and the way to this union and return to God's eternal kingdom of light - and this also and above all for the unawakened, those still in the sleep of the soul, as a word from the Lord reproduced in the Epistola aposolorum makes clear, which advises us to reflect on the essential, on the divine guide and redeemer who is in us:

Truly, I say to you, all power is given to me by my Father, to bring those who are in darkness into the light, and those who are in corruption into immortality, those who are on the wrong path into righteousness, and those who are in death into life. What is impossible for man is possible for the Father.

The Father

What the Father can do, his children can also do, in whom the divine light was kindled, Christ became alive and spoke the word of creation "I am!", which leads from death to life.

There will come a time when the words spoken by the Risen One in us will be read on the crossbeam of the cross over more and more graves: "I am!" And for those still incarnated, it will be a word of light that gives the certainty of the immortality of their innermost core, a living echo of the divine "I AM!" that the Logos speaks according to a Coptic Gospel fragment as the creative word that makes the mystery of eternal life visible:

Now I reveal to you all my glory and show you my power. But we do not need to wait for this time of fulfillment, for the truth and the saving word are now and always in us.

The word is in us. The spirit is in us. The power is in us.

To the extent that we become aware of this, to that extent we are in the Father and the Father in us. Then we recognize his image in us and us as his form, his power and perfection. We become aware of our divine self, which is light from the light of God. And by hearing the voice of the light, the inner word, we receive - in awakening to the I Am - the truth and the power of God directly.