Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 45 – Working from the Spirit

Verse - Working from the Spirit

Jesus said, "Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor are figs gathered from thistles; they do not bear fruit. Good people bring forth good things out of their hearts, and an evil man brings forth evil things out of his heart and says evil things, for it is only out of the abundance of the heart that he brings forth evil things."


It says that the one who is renewed by the Holy Spirit, who is enlightened by the inner light, only produces good fruit, while the unenlightened, who is still completely devoted to the self and the world, creates and brings about imperfect and inadequate things. The fateful consequences of wise and unwise thinking and acting are made clear by another saying of Christ:

The good is destined to come; and blessed are those through whom it comes. Evil is also destined to come; but woe to those through whom it comes. Those filled and moved by the new spirit are more or less conscious bearers of the light and bringers of good.

What they do is a blessing for many. And by allowing God to work through them, they become more and more aware, time after time, from initiation to initiation, of how true and binding the Lord's words quoted by Justin are:

To whom God has given more, he will also demand more. The more joyfully they give, the more richly they receive.

And the more they receive, the quieter and more willing they become to use the gifts and knowledge entrusted to them correctly and to make the best possible use of them for everyone.