Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 41 – The Open Hand

Verse - The Open Hand

Jesus said, “To him who has something in his hand more will be given, and from him who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.”


The actual meaning is most clearly expressed in Thomas, in the words: "He who has in his hand." He who uses the powers and gifts entrusted to him, thereby increasing them, making other beings happy and enriched through right thinking and acting, will be given greater power and abundance, so that he will become richer the more he gives. On the other hand, he who keeps what he has to himself, does not let other beings share in it, and thus - seen from the spirit of life - 'does not have', will also be deprived of what he believes he possesses and believes he can keep.

For powers and gifts that are not used in the service of good atrophy, dry up and disappear. The open hand is the sign of those who have awakened to the reality and fullness of life and who create from it, while the closed hand excludes oneself from giving and receiving. This insight is deepened by the significant 6th saying, which deals with the fleeting nature of what the unwilling-to-give believes he holds and possesses.