Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 35 – Be Awake and Dare!

Verse - Be Awake and Dare!

Jesus said, "No one can enter the house of a strong man and take it by force. Unless he binds his own hands, then he can be robbed."


Only those who are sure of themselves and at one with themselves are strong and cannot be distracted and misled, taken by surprise, tied down and robbed of their wealth and inner strength by the children of the world. They dare to rely entirely and exclusively on the power and help from above. And as long as they live from the spirit, are guided by their inner guide and allow God to will and work through them, they remain superior to all the powers of the world.

But most do not dare to take the final step here. They believe in the inner power and help from above, and call upon it fervently even in times of need. In daily life and as long as everything is going well, however, they rely far more on external goods and help instead of acting boldly in the certainty of help from within. The Lord's further warning word applies to them:

Why do you not dare to go my way? It is not clear to you that with me are the power and the sword. Christ demands of us the risk of going into our own depths, of returning home to the light. On this path, no one needs to fear that the demons of darkness could frighten, confuse or cause them to fall.

At the end of the path inward, we ourselves become the light, the mirror in which we see our greater self, the gate beyond which we walk to self-realization and become the path to ourselves.