Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 33 – Being the Bringer of Light

Verse - Being the Bringer of Light

Jesus said, "Preach from the roof of a house what you would gladly hear with your ears. For no one lights a lamp and then puts it under a bushel or in some other hidden place. Instead they put it on a lampstand, so that everyone who comes in and goes out may see its light."


Anyone who makes the words of the Master the starting point for their reflection on themselves and their life in meditation will recognize in them the leading to the living Christ, and they will be transformed and renewed by the Risen One in them. And they will recognize that Christ is present in them now and always as their inner helper and guide. But these words only become alive and fruitful for those who put them into practice and transform them into reality. The word only has value, power and reality to the extent that it leads to living action. The Lord's word wants to admonish us to do this, as does another forgotten word of Christ:

What you say to the people with your words, do in your deeds before everyone.

It is not enough to affirm the good and to proclaim the light, to call for and encourage good deeds. You must also do it yourself first. The best example that finds most followers is the good deed. Therefore, when we have recognized something as right and beneficial, we want to proclaim it from the rooftops, visible to all, by living it out.