Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 31 – Power of Faith

Verse - Power of Faith

Jesus said, “No prophet is welcomed into his own village, and no doctor heals those who know him.”


Those who live with him every day no longer see anything beyond the merely human. The inhabitants of Jesus' hometown saw in him only the carpenter's son and nothing else. Since they lacked insight into his nature, they lacked faith, and since they lacked faith, they found neither healing nor enlightenment through him. While the enlightened one understands the unawakened and helps them wherever they wish, the unawakened see the awakened one either as a troublemaker or just one of their own. That is why Jesus repeatedly emphasized the necessity and transformative power of faith, as is clear from relevant gospel words and a saying handed down in the Acts of Peter:

God will come to those who believe in me, to those who are hungry and thirsty, to those who test their souls in this life.

Whoever hungers and thirsts for the essential, for the eternal, will partake of the eternal according to the measure of his faith. Let your heart be filled with the new spirit of faithful, expectant affirmation in stillness and silence, meditation and contemplation, until you feel the inner guidance and in it the love of God and your own love glows with all its might and urges you to do good, to do deeds of love. Then you will overcome hardship and death even before you die and rise step by step from temporal to eternal life.