Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 29 – Body and Mind

Verse -  Body and Mind

Jesus said, "If the flesh came into existence through the spirit, it is a miracle, but if the spirit came into being completely through the body, this is a miracle of miracles. I am amazed that such great wealth could dwell in such poverty."


Happy are we if we consciously allow the body to serve as the spirit's tool for self-perfection, as a place of action for the self-realization of the inner person! For then amazement will turn into wonder and this will turn into blissful happiness at the wealth that comes from this tool for revelation and development. As soon as we begin to live from the spirit, the spirit within us begins to use the body to make its wealth, its light and perfection visible.

If we remember that we are spiritual beings and wisely exercise the power of the spirit over body and life, we discover with joy that the wealth that comes to fruition from us and around us through this transitory shell is inexhaustible and that in its ever stronger upflow it also illuminates and spiritualizes the medium, the body, until body, soul and spirit are one. This state is what the promise of the "freedom of the children of God" means, which goes hand in hand with the highest wisdom, power and fullness of life and raises man above nature and the conditioning of its circumstances, because he now lives from the inner world, from the spirit.