Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 28 – Call to Reflection

Verse - Call to Reflection

Jesus said, "I took my position in the midst of the world and appeared to them in flesh and blood. I found them all drunk and none of them was thirsty any longer. My soul was grieved for the children of men, for they are blind in their hearts and they do not realize that they came into the world empty and are trying to leave the world empty. But now they are drunk. If they shake off their wine, they will change their course."


Christ calls drunken or intoxicated all those who, still unawakened, see their bliss in the things that their senses deceive them into believing and hope for salvation from them. All those who strive to be successful but fail to be successful themselves by obtaining the certificate of maturity from the school of life and achieving meaning in their existence. Intoxicated by the achievements of civilization, they do not see the danger that they will lose culture and spiritual greatness to the same extent.

They become intoxicated by the advances in technology and do not feel the intellectual regression and loss of inner dynamism. They delight in the variety of growing knowledge and in their erudition and miss out on the more essential: being refined and the abundance of wisdom that comes from within.