Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 26 – Loving God in your Neighbour

Verse - Loving God in your Neighbour

Jesus said, "You know the speck that is in your friend's eye, but you do not see the log that is in your own eye. When you have removed the log from your own eye, then you will clearly see how to remove the speck from your friend's eye."


Anyone who knows Christ within themselves, who sees their brother in their neighbour and God in their brother, can only look at others with love. That was the case in the first Christian communities. Let us ensure that today, at the dawn of the Cosmic Age, it becomes a new and complete reality. And let us be careful not to affirm and proclaim one and do the other, as another saying of Christ, reproduced in the Epistola Apostolorum, reminds us of:

If someone confesses that he belongs to the light and yet does the works of darkness, he will have nothing to say in his defence, nor will he be able to raise his face to see me, the Son of God. And I will say to him: You sought and you found; you asked and you received. Why, O man, have you acknowledged me and yet denied me?

All this is achieved by true faith, which is not believing it to be true, but making it true from within. Because to believe means to vow to the inner helper, Christ, and to surrender to his guidance. To believe means to know that you have inner support that makes you superior to external circumstances.