Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 2 – Those who seek God are those who are sought by God

Verse - Those who seek God are those who are sought by God

Jesus said, "He who seeks must not stop seeking until he finds, and when he finds, he will be disturbed, and when he is disturbed, he will be amazed and will be able to rule over his wholeness. And after he has ruled over the wholeness, he will come to rest."


In the midst of the restlessness, haste and instability of external life we ​​can experience that there is peace in the innermost being. The peace of God. Restlessness and confusion belong to the external world and arise from the fruit of life, while at the center of the circling wheel of world events there is steadfastness and universal security. Blessed are all those who are driven by the restlessness of the heart to continue the search, which is ultimately a search for themselves, until the saving island of peace, the place of silence, is found in the midst of the storm and waves of the sea of ​​life.

Anyone who seeks and holds on to the essential in everything, dives down to the ultimate, divine ground and in doing so casts off what is not God, finds God in everything and at the same time it becomes clear to him, the seeker of God, that he was in truth a person sought by God. That with every step he took towards him, God came two steps towards him, until the God-awakened man and the God incarnate are no longer two, but one.

The Confusion

But here it is important to be vigilant and trustful. The unawakened person is easily drawn into the abyss of fear, horror and horror by a sudden change, becoming aware of his own impotence and the overwhelming power of fate, and does not realize that the confusion wanted to expand his field of vision and make the approaching unravelling visible to him. In this way he only becomes more perplexed and helpless and falls from doubt into despair, when he should be ascending towards heaven. At the beginning of all discovery are confusion and amazement at the wonders of the inner life.