Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 111 – Eternal Being

Verse - Eternal Being

Jesus said, "The heavens and the earth will be rolled up before you, and he who lives among the living will see neither death nor fear." Did not Jesus say, "He who finds himself rules the world."


As long as someone is attached to external existence, to the world, he perishes with it and necessarily suffers from this transience. As soon as he awakens to life, has found inner support, the living Christ within him, heaven and earth reveal to him their transience and the insubstantiality of their goods. Then he knows: Heaven and earth will pass away, but the divine Word, the Logos, Christ in me, was before heaven and earth came into being, and will be when they are no more.

He who lives from the living, who knows in himself and lives from the Word that was in the beginning and was with God and that is God, in other words, who finds himself, who has awakened to his divine self and has been born again from the spirit, sees the kingdom of God and remains undiminished and untouched by the passing of the external world, its forms and goods. For all existence in it is subject to change and passing away; but he knows himself to be the bearer of eternal being and super-being.