Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 110 – The Kingdom of God

Verse - The Kingdom of God

Jesus said, “Whoever has found the world and has become rich should renounce the world.”


Whoever sees through the world and, in reflecting on the essential, finds the hidden treasure and becomes rich, should use his wealth correctly - not to control the world and beings, but to control and liberate himself and to redeem the world. All external things and works are, as Meister Eckhart says; "only exist so that man can be directed towards God through them and ordered to live from the spirit, so that he does not turn away from himself to any action that does not correspond to his innermost being, but rather be restrained by them so that God, when He wants to work through him, finds man ready.

However much man has committed himself to all sorts of things in his external life, when he comes to the right, true inner life he is free of them and free from within. For when the perfect comes, the imperfect passes away, as Paul recognized.

May God help us to partake of this perfection of the Kingdom of God, so that the eternal Word is spoken in us and understood by us! Then renouncing the world does not mean denying the world and fleeing from the world, but rather self-reflective overcoming of the world in the consciousness of our citizenship in the Kingdom of God, which is greater than the visible universes and whose fullness exceeds everything the world can give.