Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 108 – Christianization

Verse - Christianization

Jesus said, “Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me, and I will become him, and the hidden things will be revealed to him.”


When we, like Thomas, awaken to the truth that Christ, the source of the water of life, is in us, and when we draw from him and live from the spirit, then we are in him, are completely permeated and illuminated by him and - in this Christianization - are partakers of his power and fullness, his light and his wisdom. Then what was previously unconscious and hidden within us and around us is revealed and conscious to us right down to our innermost core.

All awakened people in the East and West mean this truth when they speak of the bliss of reunification and of cosmic consciousness: This - the divine in everything - is you yourself - in your innermost being! - or in the words that Christ spoke to Thomas:

I am you!

Then, as a brother in spirit puts it, everything is in one: "When Christ has become alive in us, when God lives within us and fills and rules us with his spirit, everything good follows of its own accord. Then the Holy Spirit pours love into our hearts and prepares us for every good work.

He himself carries out his word and law in us and uses us as instruments of his will. He speaks in us what he wills, does what he commands, allows what he forbids, tears us out of the kingdom of darkness and places us in the kingdom of the light of Christ, gives birth to us anew from his spirit, yes, God from himself, so that we are children born to God of a completely divine nature and want, do, let go, suffer, know, have and are nothing other than what God in us and through us wants and does, lets go and suffers, knows, has and is.