Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 106 – Mystical Wedding

Verse - Mystical Wedding

Jesus said, “If you make the two into one, you will become children of Adam, and you will say, ‘Mountain, move!’ and it will move.”


When a person, on the way inwards, causes the two aspects of his being, the inner and the outer, and his two poles, the male and female, to become one, the twoless One in him has risen and attained the sonship of God. Then a person is the bearer of divine spirit and will - and nothing is impossible for him. No earthly condition, circumstance or resistance can prevent him from continuing his path to divine immediacy.

The same applies when two people find this higher unification and become one self. Christ, the divine self, is that part of our being that was not born of woman, because he, birthless and deathless, belongs to the kingdom of God. Where he awakens in people, there is, as Paul explains in his letter to the Galatians, neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ.

Where this unity is achieved, the primal drive Eros, born of division, is transformed into the divine love Agape, which leads to the highest unification, which, instead of leading to a fleeting external union, leads to a permanent inner oneness in that mystical marriage of which earlier words of the Gospel of Thomas were concerned and whose completion is announced in verse 114.