Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 104 – I Am Here!

Verse - I Am Here!

They said to him, "Come, let us pray and fast today." Jesus said, "What sin have I committed? Or have I not yet completed anything? But when the bridegroom comes out of the bridal chamber, let them fast and pray."


In order to achieve inner purity, awakening and enlightenment, we must turn inwards, to the inner light, to the awareness of "I am here!". Another word of the Lord handed down in the Epistola apostolorum points to this:

I am Word and Spirit and Power. I am completely in the Father and the Father is in me. For I am his image and of his form, of his power and perfection and of his light. He who hears me hears him who sent me.

I am here! - this word contains nothing less than the key to our rebirth. We find it when we turn inwards and recognise that it is Christ in us who speaks this word, which expresses our inner state and condition. I am here! - this is the key word of life that knows no death, the word of Him in us who was before the world was, who is and will be for all eternity.

I am here! - this is the original word and self-statement of our divine self, the light bearer and bringer of light, who is in us and with whom we are one in our origins and in our essence. For those who say I Am Here! in this consciousness, all of the above words apply. They are freed from ignorance, suffering and transience. For they are rooted in the essence, in the imperishable and eternal.