Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 102 – Inner Christianity

Verse - Inner Christianity

Jesus said, "Damn the Pharisees! They are like a dog that lies in a trough; it neither eats nor lets the oxen eat."


The first step on the path to the light was taken by the person who became aware of the darkness of unawakenedness. For when he becomes aware of the shadows - which the unawakened believe to be light - the burning longing for enlightenment, for the reality to which he finds access within himself, awakens in his soul. With the second step into the brightness of the inner world, he becomes aware of the difference between inner Christianity and that outer Christianity which focuses on the historical Jesus and refuses to accept that he did not want external worshippers and followers, but wanted to make the inner path to self-reflection, rebirth and knowledge of God visible and accessible to everyone.

For outer Christianity easily breeds Pharisees who do not see the path to the light, to Christhood, and who often prevent those seeking truth from taking this path. Just as the dog lies on the cattle trough on food that is indigestible to him, but through his behavior forces the cattle that need it to starve, so the behavior of spiritually unawakened external or nominal Christians leads to them preventing those who want to awaken or are in the process of awakening from satisfying their desire for truth, although they themselves, due to a lack of inner alertness and maturity, are unable to do anything with the spiritual food that they would like to deny or forbid others.

It is good to be aware of the difference between external and internal Christianity: The one declares itself to be the sole authoritative guardian of the truth, while the other calls for the pursuit of the truth, which everyone only has to the extent that they live it. The one highlights what divides, self-righteously wants to convert the whole world and is intolerant of any beliefs that differ, while the other emphasizes what is common and unifying, leads to self-reflection, love of neighbor and God, and to the fact that on the path to the light one supports and helps the other and patiently respects every knowledge affirmed by conscience.

External Christianity

External Christianity puts doctrine above all else, argues about words, interpretations and opinions and promotes fanaticism and isolation, while inner Christianity puts life above all else, follows the inner word and leads to right thinking and action.

The one highlights the sinfulness and weakness of man and fills his mind with feelings of guilt and worthlessness and with fear of God's vengeance and the Last Judgement, while the other makes man aware that he is essentially good and light because he is divine, that Christ and the Kingdom of God are in him and that everything living is on the path to infinite higher development and God's self-revelation. Thus the one directs man's gaze outwards and keeps him in a state of unawakening, while the other points inwards and leads to a gradual awakening of self and reality.