Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 101 – The Divine Mother

Verse - The Divine Mother

"Whoever does not hate his father and mother as I do cannot be my disciple, and whoever loves his father and mother as I do will not be my disciple. For I do not love my mother, but my true mother, for she gave me life."


The first sentence of this saying refers to the physical parents, the second to the spiritual parents. Of course, Jesus does not demand hatred of blood relatives in the sense in which we understand the word today, but rather he meant non-attachment, using himself as an example. Higher than the physical is the spiritual father - the deity - and higher than the physical mother is the spiritual mother - the Holy Spirit, from whom we truly came and live.

The fact that the "true mother" refers to the Holy Spirit is evident from another quoted saying of the Lord: Now my mother, the Holy Spirit, took hold of me and carried me to Mount Tabor. Jesus reminds his disciples of the holy mountain of transfiguration with the promise that all, like the disciples who stayed with Jesus on the holy mountain, will awaken to the inner light that shines in a dark place until the day breaks and the morning star rises in their hearts.

In order for this to happen to us, we must follow Christ's repeated admonition, which was handed down to us by Pseudo-Cyrian:

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit who is in you, and do not extinguish the light that shines within you.