Mysticism – Gospel of Thomas – Case No. 24 – The Inner Light

Verse - The Inner Light

His disciples said, "Show us the place where you really are, because it is important for us to seek this place." He said to them, "Everyone here who has two good ears should hear: There is light inside man and with this light he can illuminate the whole world. If it does not shine, he is darkness."


All being is from the light and strives for the light. Even the darkness within us wants light, the unconscious wants to be raised to consciousness. But the light it strives for is outside. The light of the ego and the world of the senses. But the ego, consciousness and unconscious are only half of the human being, only its shell, not the core. In the depths lives the greater, true, inner human being, who longs for another, higher light that is within. For the light of the spirit, the divine self. When this inner human being begins to stir, the whole human being turns to the innermost, the primordial light of God, in whose ascension the soul's foundation and the divine foundation reveal themselves as a primordial light.