Mysticism – Gospel of Thomas – Case 25 – Redeeming Power of Love

Verse - Redeeming Power of Love

Jesus said, “Love your friends as your own soul; watch over them, protect them as you would your eyes.”


With this, Jesus points to the practical consequences that result from the inner awakening of man, to the responsibility that he bears towards him as a more mature, older brother. And to his task of loving everything that lives as and as his own self and of being its protector and guardian. Especially in a time of worship of external success and progress and the desire to secure earthly existence, it becomes clear how little external progress and prosperity correspond to internal progress, how rarely do those who are successful come across someone who is a success, who has found self-realization and meaning in his life and has become a blessing for everyone.

Where nothing is lacking externally, everything is often lacking internally. Why? Because the old spirit of wanting to have reigns and not the spirit of giving, which is automatically followed by genuine taking, the receiving of what is essential, and because only a few are alive to the law of balance, of which another apocryphal word of the Lord speaks:

Whatever one does to another, good or bad, will come back to him. If one is kind to others, he too will experience kindness. Therefore, whatever good one strives for himself, he should also want for his neighbor.