Zen Koan & Mysticism – Mumonkan – Case No. 16 – When the Bell sounds

The Case

Zen master Unmon said, "The world is vast and wide; Why do you put on your seven-piece robe at sound of the bell?"

Mumon's Comment

In studying Zen, you should not be swayed by sounds and forms. Even though you attain insight when hearing a voice or seeing a form, this is simply the ordinary way of things. Don't you know that the real Zen student commands sounds, controls forms, is clear-sighted at every event and free on every occasion?

Granted you are free, just tell me: Does the sound come to the ear or does the ear go to the sound? If both sound and silence die away, at such a juncture how could you talk of Zen? While listening with your ear, you cannot tell. When hearing with your eye, you are truly intimate.


With realization, things make one family; Without realization, things are separated in a thousand ways. Without realization, things make one family; With realization, things are separated in a thousand ways.