Zen Koan & Mysticism – Hekiganroku – Case No. 1 – Emperor Wu Asks Bodhidharma

The Case

Emperor Wu of Liang asked Bodhidharma, "What is the first principle of the holy teachings?" Bodhidharma said, "Emptiness, no holiness." "Who is this standing before me?" "No knowing." The emperor did not grasp his meaning. Thereupon Bodhidharma crossed the river and went to the land of Wei. The emperor later spoke of this to Shiko, who said, "Do you in fact know who this person is?"

The emperor said, "No knowing." Shiko said, "This is the Bodhisattva Kannon, the bearer of the Buddha's Heart Seal." The emperor was full of regret and wanted to send for Bodhidharma, but Shiko said, "It is no good sending a messsenger to fetch him back. Even if all the people went, he would not turn back."

Engo's Introduction

Smoke over the hill indicates fire, horns over the fence indicate an ox. Given one corner, you grasp the other three; one glance, and you discern the smallest difference. Such quickness, however, is only too common among robed monks. When you have stopped the deluded activity of consciousness, then, whatever situation you may find yourself in, you enjoy perfect freedom, in adversity and prosperity, in taking and giving. Now tell me, how in fact will this sort of person behave?


The holy teaching? "Emptiness!" What is the secret here? Again, "Who stands before me?" "No knowing!" Inevitable, the thorns and briars springing up; Secretly, by night, he crossed the river. All the people could not bring him back. Now, so many years gone by, Still Bodhidharma fills your mind-in vain Stop thinking of him! A gentle breeze pervades the universe. The master looks around: "Is the patriarch there? -Yes! Bring him to me, And he can wash my feet."