Hardcore Zen Week – August Meditation – Retreat – When one mind is confused follows to the six sense-realms!

Welcome to the hardcore zen meditation week in August at the Honora Zen Monastery in Switzerland: the Mountain Week

Hardcore - Contemplation

However, where all truths are void, the divine self-gnostic faculty itself is not perplexed at all. Because it is different from inorganic material, self-nature itself is being divinely gnostic which is already your empty, tranquil and divine self-gnostic faculty and your pure mind itself.

This pure, empty and tranquil mind is the same as the very pure and luminous Truth's mind from past, present and future; it is also the fountain of indigent-beings' enlightening nature. If one is awakened by this and upholds it, then he is sitting in Oneness as it is which is the highest immovable Stage. But, if one is confused and turns away from this, then he will fall into the six sense-realms and will travel around for several rebirths. For this reason it was said that,

When one mind is confused follows to the six sense-realms. It is called 'gone' or 'moved'. When one mind is recovered by Understanding the truth world, it is called 'come' or 'still'. (Pojo)

Since it cannot be increased in the sage nor decreased in the ordinary-being, how can it possibly be different from Patriarchs? The only difference is that ordinary-beings observe the dead reality in their thoughts.

When an ordinary person begins to practice meditation he may feel that there is something to be cultivated and something to be realized. But should he experience a great awakening, he would then understand that there is really nothing to be cultivated and nothing to be realized.

Meditation Center

The Honora Zen Monastery is a rustic and small meditation center in Switzerland. Here you can find more information and register for the mountain week.


Zen Order of Switzerland

Hardcore Zen Meditation Week in August at the Honora Zen Monastery