Zen Koan & Mysticism – Cookies of Zen – Case 1 – Zen Master Yun-Men’s Mount Sumeru

The Case

A disciple asked Venerable Master Yun-Men, "When this student did not raise any thought, was there sin or not?" Zen Master Yun-Men said, "Mount Sumeru!"

Zen Master Hye-Am

When thoughts arise, sin (error) also arises. If no thought arises, there should be no sin. Why did Master Yun-Men say that sin was as big as Mount Sumeru? Why did he say: Mount Sumeru? Can any of you say a word? At this time, a layman came before Master Hye-Am, prostrated himself once and said; “As soon as a thought moves, it will be disintegrated.” Venerable Master Hye-Am said, “Very good. Very good” and immediately got off the podium.